Well that’s our hampers and gifts all delivered to our wonderful friends ! We are so thankful to all our fabulous volunteers ,chairman and trustees for their vision for this project and for all their help in so many ways to make this happen.

We have as Missioners been overwhelmed with such kind donations given to help our friends feel loved and cared for in these times of social isolation and missing getting out and seeing friends and family .

Our friends have been absolutely delighted to see our volunteers when hampers and gifts were delivered and Hilary and I have so loved being able to do something positive for our friends in these lonely ,worrying ,isolating times .

It’s been just lovely to see the joy , smiles ,surprise and sometimes tears of our friends on making our delivery’s !

It’s been so uplifting and made our hearts happy too ! We have been so blessed to witness the happiness our Happy Hampers have brought and the difference our visits and gifts have made . We have had many messages of thanks from friends and their families which is so nice but what really matters is that our friends feel supported and cared for by us all .

Sue and Hilary
Darlington Town Missioners

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