At our recent management meeting when the 2020 AGM was discussed, we expressed our gratitude to Rev Andrew Wigram who has served as DTM chair for the last seven years. We also expressed our thanks to Mr Brian Tyreman who has stepped down as a Trustee and as a member of the Fund Raising Committee. Bette Dobson has also stepped down from being a member of the Fund Raising Committee after many years. Her valuable support for the charity will continue as one of our volunteer drivers. DTM thanks them all for such wonderful support in the past.
The Missioners have paid tribute to Anne Tyreman in the news section of the website. Anne died earlier this year. She served DTM faithfully firstly as our Missioner, and then later as a volunteer driver and an amazing fund raiser. She is much missed by all her friends and colleagues within the charity.
Due to the Coronavirus restrictions, our busy programme of social events for our Friends has had to be postponed. This includes monthly group outings, lunch clubs and home visits. Care home worship has also been suspended. Instead our two Missioners, Sue and Hilary have been keeping in touch with Friends via telephone calls and garden visits. They are working hard to support those on our books that face additional loneliness and isolation. We are also grateful to them and other DTM volunteers that support our Friends by keeping in touch and help with practical support. They are all heroes for today. Thank you.