Mary Drury
About ten years ago I was approached by the Town Mission Treasurer who goes to my Church, to see if I was interested in volunteering as a driver for Darlington Town Mission. I agreed to give it a go and have never looked back. I love listening to the stories of the elderly people and the interesting lives they have led and have made some great friends.
I have been helping at the fortnightly Lunch club for a number of years and they all look to me for a few jokes. One of the ladies said to me one day that she sat at home on her own a lot and really looked forward to coming to the lunch which is cooked by our Missioner and is always delicious.
I am also on the Fund-raising Committee and help with many events to raise money to take the Friends on outings. One of the ladies I had the pleasure of taking out recently was 97 and had lived in Darlington for a long time but had never been to Mainsgill café, we had a great time especially eating the chocolate cakes.
I am also on the Executive Committee and often have meetings at my house.
I love helping with these lovely people and am so pleased if I can bring a smile to the faces of lonely people.