Brian Simpson

Since taking early retirement from teaching a wide variety of business studies and teacher training at Darlington College for over 25 years, I’m as busy as ever balancing other interests such as choral singing, church steward work, fellowship groups, Methodist local preaching, Care Home worship, flower arranging and supporting other charities.  I also serve as secretary to the local Christian Aid committee and for Darlington Methodist Circuit Local Preachers’ Meeting.  I attempt gardening and very amateur DIY in my spare time.

Vanessa and I are proud parents of two grown-up sons and three wonderful grandchildren.

We drive for the DTM for the monthly outing’s programme. These are invaluable to Friends that may be living in feeling isolated or lonely, but they also bring joy to us and all the volunteer drivers.

Belonging to the DTM family is such a blessing to us both.

Headshot of Brian Simpson, charity trustee